Die Akademie für Konflikttransformation des forumZFD bietet vom 10. März bis 10. Mai 2025 eine Vollzeit-Weiterbildung für Friedens- und Konfliktarbeit in Königswinter bei Bonn an. Der Vollzeitkurs richtet sich an Personen, die im Bereich der zivilen Konfliktbearbeitung, der Friedensförderung oder der konfliktsensiblen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitären Arbeit tätig sind oder einen solchen Einstieg planen und bereits über einschlägige Berufserfahrung verfügen. Der Kurs findet in englischer Sprache statt, daher sind die folgenden Infos auf Englisch.
The aim of this course is for you to acquire the appropriate skills and knowledge needed to work on the diverse and multi-faceted field of peace and conflict work. You will deepen your understanding of conflict dynamics, and their non-violent transformation, including but not limited to: clarifying the key concepts of civil conflict transformation, analyzing conflicts, designing peace projects, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of your role and attitude as a peace worker in this field.
The consolidation of your sense of self, awareness of own patterns, attitudes, behaviors, biases, needs and limits, as well as your understanding of group dynamics and the importance of communication, are core issues to the course, and are not only worked on through a theoretical input, but are consistently brought to the focus through self-reflection and group sharing.
The course utilizes the elicitive training model, where the learning journey is aimed at discovery and creation using your own experiences and knowledge as the main resource, and where the trainers are catalysts and facilitators rather than experts. Your learning also continues after the official sessions as you will be living together with the other participants throughout the whole course.