Die Akademie für Konflikttransformation des forumZFD bietet vom 6. bis 15. November 2024 ein Online-Seminar im Bereich Friedensförderung und Umwelt an. Online-Live-Sessions finden jeden Mittwoch und Freitag zwischen 8:00 und 12:00 Uhr statt. Teilnehmende können mit insgesamt 10 bis 12 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche rechnen. Das Seminar richtet sich an Fachleute der Friedensförderung, die Environmental Peacebuilding in ihrer Arbeit praktisch anwenden wollen. Es wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt, die folgenden Informationen sind daher auf Englisch:
Inhalt des Seminars
Understanding the relationship between environmental change, conflict and its resolution is essentially an investigation into the interconnection between two, heuristically divided, complex adaptive systems: ecology and societal conflict.
While the exact causal relationships among climate, fragility, and conflict are inherently complex and sometimes contradictory, there is no doubt that climate change is having extreme effects on ecologies, livelihoods, resource use, economies, and health, gender dynamics, migration, and governance.
Complexity-informed approaches, such as systems thinking, must therefore become the new norm across the triple nexus and complexity must be addressed through integrated or at least strategically coordinated programming. This participatory workshop therefore uses systems based tools to investigate the integration between environmental impacts, peace, and conflict.
Echoing established work on collective action for systemic change, there is emerging evidence that strategic integrated programming in fragile, climate and conflict-affected situations can provide what is often called “co-benefits” across different sectors. In other words, the interconnectedness of different risk profiles in a climate-affected world, also presents new opportunities, if programing takes this interconnection into account. Systemic, not sectoral change must become the new norm.